Ádám Szécsényi

<aspiring frontend developer>

a picture of Ádám looking in the camera

About Me

Beginner developer based out of Budapest

I am a frontend developer student at Scrimba.com where I am refreshing my skills in coding acquired when I was a college student. I studied physics and astronomy, both of which requried some programming knowledge. It was that time when I first met and fell in love with coding.

Besides my university projects, programming became one of my hobbies. I began to learn JAVA language by myself and created projects for my own entertainment. These were mostly simple physical simulations and 'screensavers'. Later on I started developing small games.

During my university studies I got hired as a physics teacher which was something I wanted to try for a while back then. This job took away most of my time which is the reason I couldn't get back to my coding projects until a few months ago.

Adam teaching physics in a classroom

I enrolled on Scrimba to learn frontend development, which I've been doing for the past 4-5 months. I would say that I am a very fast learner and if I find something challenging I usually hardly rest until I figured out what to do.

I think that it is about time that I take my hobby to the next level and start my journey as a web developer

Adam smiling

My work

A selection of my solo projects





