p5js projects

First steps with JavaScript


I made this project way back when I was first learning JAVA. I used an environment called Processing. I implemented this on P5js, which is very similar to Processing, but it runs on JavaScript. I then embedded the project on this site.

I had a lot of fun creating this project, which seems very simple but this was the first time I got to know anything about classes and objects. And of course it was during the Holidays so that was a plus enjoyment factor for me :)

Bouncing Bubbles

This project was also first written in Processing and in JAVA language. During my university studies I've learned about the physics and mathematics of collisions and thought it would be fun to implement my knowledge and create a program where circles fly randomly and collide with each other. I am planning to evolve this project further into a pool game :)

For the physics fans out there: as you can see, the collisions are perfectly elastic, simulating the particle model of ideal gases.